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Friday, October 22, 2010

An Update on Prop. 22

After reading and re - rading my voter guide, I decided to take a stand and endorse Proposition 22. Although it may or may not specifically help LARPD's financial challenges, it WILL serve to let Sacramento know that money specifically dedicated to local governemtn entities is off limits when it comes time to balance the state budget.

The Legislature has been keen about finding new and creative methods of funding pet programs; unfortunately, the politics of it all comes down to each party hoping to fund programs that will purchase them more votes. As a result, the state has abandoned local school and park districts, as well as remove massive pieces from the budgets of many special districts.

The folks who write and advertise for propositions can be quite subversive, too - one needs to take a class in "Know Your Special Interests and Their Agendas" to decode the pamphlet. I'm good with those who proposed and are endorsing Prop. 22, so I'm comfortable making the call. I can't be so certain about many of the competing measures on this year's ballot. So while it's not one of the "glamor" propositions this November, it may be the most meaningful to our city, county and, hopefully, park districts.

One final note on the props - if you're uncertain about them, read the voter's guide and see who's behind the pros and cons. That tells the real story, and you may also then be able to determine the true impetus behind the measure. Don't believe the ads, because you'd vote both yes & no on each one if you took them seriously.

Now, off to bed - got a big day of door - to - door campaigning tomorrow! Hope to see you at some point over the next week and a half!

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