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Thursday, October 7, 2010

What's The Answer?

There has been a ton of discussion over the past few months regarding LARPD being "absorbed" into the City of livermore's municipal structure, or perhaps as part of the East Bay Regional Park District. And as much discussion as has happened, the answer is still Dylanesque - you know, blowin' in the wind.
LARPD's funding woes are not new. Good people have lost jobs or had hours cut severely. But I have some real concerns that should LARPD merge with either entity, even more of the District's operating revenues would be lost. If the district were no longer an independent special district, where would what's left of the dedicated property tax go? As a city department, LARPD might become a drain on the city's budget and funding might go from bad to worse. EBRPD may be a more desirable match, but it doesn't seem likely that they'd be able to keep the revenues provided by property tax once EBRPD absorbs the operation...after all, there would be only one special district at that point. And LARPD's facilities would further tax an already lean operating budget under which EBRPD operates.
What's the answer? A lot depends on interpretation of laws governing how special districts are funded...and making the correct interpretation. Much depends on you, Livermore residents and LARPD enthusiasts. Speak up & speak out! I have a problem cutting staff and curriculum from the District, as our population is still growing - we'll need to provide even more to the people of Livermore, not less.
Let me know what you think - where do you stand? What would you do?
It's a beautiful evening here in the Valley - step outside and enjoy the cooling night. I look forward to hearing from you.

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